Directed By
Kyle Eaton
Narrative Feature

Shut Up Anthony

HHM Jury Nominations: Best Feature Film, Best Score, Supporting Actress (Katie Michels)

Anthony’s awkwardness is the kind that results in him saying odd things at inappropriate times, which ultimately has consequences. In the wake of personal and professional failure, Anthony retreats to a vacation home where he encounters a friend from his past who may just be avoiding his own issues. Current frustrations claw at old tensions forcing the two men to deal with each other and themselves.

Cast: Robert D'Esposito, Katie Michels, Jon Titterington

Writer & Director: Kyle Eaton

Recently Screened At: Cinequest Film Festival (World Premiere), Brooklyn Film Festival (Spirit Award), Oregon Independent Film Festival (Best Actor, Best Director, Best Dramatic Feature)

Programmer Notes: Shut Up, Anthony feels like getting the kind of therapy we should have got for the difficult times in our lives at that perfectly unexpected moment. The heart of the story is tragedy with humorous spotlights cast on the nuances of how people deal with it.

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at B.C. Historical Museum